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Devendra Man Sinkhwal



Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This magnificent oil painting by Devendra Man Sinkhwal is based upon an original oil composition that was painted by Udaya Charan Shrestha. Mahalakshmi, or 'Great Lakshmi', appears as one of the astamatrikas, or 'Eight Mothers', who are extremely important in the Newar tradition and function...

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B/W Green Tara Enthroned

B/W Green Tara Enthroned

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Green Arya Tara sits gracefully upon her moon disc, lotus seat and enlightenment throne in her traditional posture of royal ease. She has the youthful body of a sixteen-year-old, a sweetly smiling face, and all of her silk garments and jewel ornaments are meticulously painted. The minute form of...

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B/W White Tara Enthroned

B/W White Tara Enthroned

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

White Tara (Skt. Sita Tara) is also known as Saptalocana Tara, the 'Seven-eyed Saviouress', and along with Amitayus and Ushnishavijaya she appears as one of the three principal Buddhist deities of longevity. Her meditational practices are mainly employed to confer long-life, alleviate illnesses,...

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Vajrayogini and Deities

Vajrayogini and Deities

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £32.00

This painting shows the goddess Vajrayogini at the centre of a nine-deity composition, and is unusual in depiction all of the deities as they would naturally appear from the viewer's perspective. Vajrayogini's 'secret place' or pubic area is positioned at the exact centre of the painting, with all...

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Manjushri with Consorts and Deities

Manjushri with Consorts and Deities

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom, is venerated in Nepal as the enlightened being who brought all knowledge, skill and learning to the Kathmandu Valley. Manjushri first came to Nepal from his 'five-peaked' mountain abode of Wutai Shan in China, bringing his two consorts and many of his disciples...

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B/W Seated Green Tara (Sepia)

B/W Seated Green Tara (Sepia)

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This beautiful sepia painting by Devendra Man Sinkhwal shows Green Tara seated in her traditional posture of royal-ease upon the white moon disc of her lotus seat, with her left leg drawn up and her extended right foot resting upon the moon disc of a small lotus pedestal. Both of these lotuses...

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B/W Ardhanarishvara

B/W Ardhanarishvara

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Ardhanarishvara, meaning the 'Lord (ishvara) who is half (ardha) woman (nari)', is a composite form of Shiva and his consort Parvati fused into one body, similarly to how in Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, merged with the nymph Salmacis to form...

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Green Tara (Sepia)

Green Tara (Sepia)

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price : £0.95

MINIMUM ORDER OF SEVEN 6" x 4" MIXED POSTCARDS PLEASE! Green Tara, the 'Liberator or Saviouress', is the principal female bodhisattva of compassion and the 'Mother of all the Buddhas'. She protects all beings from the eight great fears of samsara or cyclic existence: fire (anger); floods...

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Green Tara with Amoghasiddhi

Green Tara with Amoghasiddhi

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This oil painting shows Green Tara standing gracefully in triple-bend (tribhanga) posture upon the flat pericarp or seed-head of a pink lotus, which rises above the water of a lotus-lake. The flat plane of the seed-head, along with the mist-shrouded hills in the background, defines the horizontal...

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B/W Shakyamuni Buddha

B/W Shakyamuni Buddha

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This small sepia painting depicts Shakyamuni Buddha amidst a gradated background of soft clouds, as he sits in vajra-posture upon the seed-head of an open lotus. Shakyamuni, the 'Sage of the Shakya tribe' and the historical Buddha of our present era, wears the three dull red robes of a simple...

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Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Prajnaparamita (Tib. Shes-rab phar-phyin), meaning the 'Perfection of Wisdom', is an important female deity who symbolically embodies the perfection (paramita) of the Buddha's transcendental wisdom or discriminating awareness (prajna). From its inception Buddhism has always equated wisdom as a...

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Sarasvati flying on her Swan

Sarasvati flying on her Swan

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price : £13.95

This sepia composition depicts the Goddess Sarasvati flying across the night sky upon her white swan vehicle. The artist's skillful use of oil colors to create a nocturnal landscape is enhanced by the luminous form of the goddess herself, who appears here like a 'being of light'. The distant clouds...

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Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £28.00

Kalaratri, meaning the 'Dark Night', is the seventh of the nine aspects of the great Hindu goddess Durga, who is worshipped over a ten-day period in an annual autumnal festival known as Durga Puja in India, and Dashain in Nepal. This festival commemorates Durga's ultimate victory over the...

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Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Kalaratri, meaning the "Dark Night", is the seventh of the nine aspects of the great Hindu goddess Durga, who is worshipped over a ten-day period in an annual autumnal festival known as Durga Puja in India, and Dashain in Nepal. This festival commemorates Durga's ultimate victory over the...

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Mahavidya Dhumavati

Mahavidya Dhumavati

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Dhumavati, meaning the "Smoke-coloured or Smoky-one", is listed as the seventh of the ten mahavidya or 'Great Knowledge' goddesses, and is the most inauspicious in appearance. She takes the form of an elderly and ugly widow (Skt. vidhava), a role that has always held a somewhat...

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Mahavidya Tripura Sundari

Mahavidya Tripura Sundari

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Tripura Sundari, the 'Beautiful or Charming Lady (Skt. sundari) of the Three Cities (Skt. tripura)', manifests as the third of the ten Mahavidya or 'Great Knowledge' goddesses of the Hindu shakta-tantra traditions. Among her thousand epithets she is also known as Sodashi...

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Mahavidya Bhairavi (Sepia)

Mahavidya Bhairavi (Sepia)

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Bhairavi, meaning the 'Terrifying', is the fifth of the ten Mahavidya or 'Great knowledge' goddesses, and has many different forms. In this sepia composition she appears here in her auspicious four-armed aspect as Sampatpradha Bhairavi, or 'She who bestows good fortune'....

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Vajranatha Avalokiteshvara

Vajranatha Avalokiteshvara

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Vajranatha, meaning the 'Vajra-Lord', appears as one of the hundred-and-eight manifestations of Avalokiteshvara in the Newar Buddhist pantheon. He stands gracefully in triple-bend posture (Skt. tribhanga) as he dances upon the moon disc of an immaculate open lotus, with his right foot drawn...

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Dancing Green Tara (Sepia)

Dancing Green Tara (Sepia)

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

In this sepia monochrome painting by Devendra Man Sinkhwal, Green Tara stands in tribhanga or 'triple-bend' posture, as she gracefully dances upon the white moon-disc that rests within her double-lotus pedestal, with her right foot slightly raised. With her right hand lowered she makes the...

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B/W Chintamani Lokeshvara

B/W Chintamani Lokeshvara

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Chintamani Lokeshvara, the 'Wish-granting gem (Skt. chintamani), and Lord of the world (Skt. lokeshvara)', manifests as one of the hundred-and-eight different Newar Buddhist aspects or manifestations of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of great compassion. He is radiant white...

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Sepia Green Tara (Acrylic)

Sepia Green Tara (Acrylic)

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

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B/W Amitayus

B/W Amitayus

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This monochromatic sepia composition depicts Amitayus, the long-life sambhogakaya aspect of red Amitabha Buddha, the nirmanakaya-buddha of 'Boundless Light'. Amitayus, the buddha of 'Boundless Life' sits in vajra-posture upon a white moon disc, an open lotus, and an ornate...

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Padma Nrityanath Lokeshvara

Padma Nrityanath Lokeshvara

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Padma Nrityanath, or Padma Narteshvara (Tib. Padma gar-gyi dbang phyug), meaning the 'Lotus Lord of the Dance', is a graceful aspect of Avalokiteshvara with one face and either two, eight, or eighteen arms. He appears here in this sepia composition in his white eight-armed aspect, as he...

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B/W Manjushri, Lion of Speech

B/W Manjushri, Lion of Speech

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This lovely sepia miniature painting depicts the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Manjushri (Tib. Jam-pa), or Manjugosha (Tib. Jam-yang), meaning the 'Gentle Voiced', as the 'Lion of Speech or Debaters'. He sits on the back of a roaring white lion that crouches upon an ornate stone lion-throne....

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White Ganapati

White Ganapati

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

Ganesh or Ganapati, the endearing elephant-headed god and son of Shiva and Parvati, is perhaps the most popular deity in the entire Hindu pantheon. And he is depicted here in his Newar aspect as White Chandra Ganapati, whose blessings are said to be beneficial in curing all kinds of diseases and...

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