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Yidam and Wrathful Deities

Palden Lhamo and her Retinue

Palden Lhamo and her Retinue

Artist : Sunlal Ratna Tamang

Price From : £34.00

This complex composition is an accurate copy of an early twentieth century thangka from the Potala Palace in Lhasa, which depicts the 'Glorious Goddess' Shri Devi or Palden Lhamo in her form as Magzor Gyalmo (Tib. dMag-zor gyal-mo), the 'Queen Who Averts Armies'. In this aspect she is the...

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Vajrabhairava (Yamantaka)

Vajrabhairava (Yamantaka)

Artist : Sunlal Ratna Tamang

Price From : £34.00

Vajrabhairava or Yamantaka is an important yidam or meditational deity of the Highest Yoga Tantra class, whose practice is especially important in the Gelug and Sakya Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Along with Chakrasamvara and Guhyasamaja, Vajrabhairava - as a single figure or 'Solitary Hero' (Skt....

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Dorje Drolo (Dudjom Tersar)

Dorje Drolo (Dudjom Tersar)

Artist : Chewang Dorje

Price From : £34.00

Dorje Drolo (rdo rje gro lod), meaning the 'Pot-bellied Vajra', is one of the 'Eight Manifestations' of Guru Rinpoche or Padmasambhava, and the extremely fierce form he assumed at thirteen different Himalayan locations with the name of 'Tiger's Lair', such as at Paro Taktsang in Bhutan. Guru...

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Ling Gesar

Ling Gesar

Artist : Sunlal Ratna Tamang

Price From : £34.00

This thangka depicts Gesar, the legendary king who ruled over the eastern Tibetan Kingdom of Ling about a thousand years ago. The Gesar epic is believed to be longest narrative poem in existence, which, although not compiled into any definitive textual form, would probably consist of more than a...

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Twelve-Armed Chakrasamvara

Twelve-Armed Chakrasamvara

Artist : Hari Prasad Vaidya

Price From : £28.00

This thangka depicts Twelve-armed Chakrasamvara with his consort Vajravarahi, and is based upon a famous 14th or 15th century thangka from the Los Angeles County Museum. The original was painted by a Newar artist for a Sakya monasteries in Central Tibet. It shows Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi...

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Palden Lhamo (Magzor Gyalmo)

Palden Lhamo (Magzor Gyalmo)

Artist : Chewang Dorje

Price From : £34.00

Palden Lhamo (dPal-ldan lha-mo), the 'Glorious Goddess', is the principal protective goddess of the Tibetan state, and she is depicted here in her form as Magzor Gyalmo (dMag-zor gyal-mo), the 'Queen who averts war or repulses armies'. The Sanskrit name of this 'glorious goddess' is Shri Devi or...

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Two-armed Chakrasamvara

Two-armed Chakrasamvara

Artist : Sunlal Ratna Tamang

Price From : £30.00

This composition shows the five-deity mandala of two-armed Heruka Chakrasamvara in his 'innate' (sahaja) aspect as Sahaja Chakrasamvara, who is semi-wrathful, blue-black in colour, with one face, two arms, and three eyes. He stands in alidha posture upon a golden sun disc and a multicoloured lotus,...

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Great Red Ganapati

Great Red Ganapati

Artist : Sunlal Ratna Tamang

Price From : £34.00

This exquisite painting is an accurate copy of a famous early 15th century thangka that was probably originally painted by a Newar artist for the Ngor Sakya Monastery in Southern Tibet, which was founded in 1429 by Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo. Great Red Ganapati (Skt. Maharakta Ganapati) appears as one...

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