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Articles and Interviews

The Five Buddha Families (Word Document 57kb)
An article explaining the conceptual assembly of the Five Buddhas or 'Five Enlightened Families'

Vipassana Meditation: The Art of Living (Word Document 41kb)
The following article on Vipassana Meditation is based on apublic talk given by Shri S. N. Goenka in Bern, Switzerland, on 16th July1980.

The Sand Mandala of Avalokiteshvara (PDF 24Kb)
In May 2008, His Holiness the Dalai Lama came to England to give five days of teaching in Nottingham, during the course of which a group of monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery created a sand mandala of the deity Avalokiteshvara for public display.


Magazine Interviews

Interview with Asian Art Magazine (PDF File 3.7Mb)
An interview with Robert Beer published in Asian Art Magazine in 2010.

Visionary Realms: Interview with Tricycle magazine (PDF 317Kb)
An interview with Robert Beer published in the Winter 2010 issue of the Buddhist magazine - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review

Interview with namarupa magazine (PDF 836Kb)
An interview with Robert Beer published in namarupa magazine in September 2008