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Male Buddhist Deities

B/W Shakyamuni Buddha

B/W Shakyamuni Buddha

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This small sepia painting depicts Shakyamuni Buddha amidst a gradated background of soft clouds, as he sits in vajra-posture upon the seed-head of an open lotus. Shakyamuni, the 'Sage of the Shakya tribe' and the historical Buddha of our present era, wears the three dull red robes of a simple...

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Weapon-holding Hevajra

Weapon-holding Hevajra

Artist : Dinesh Charan Shrestha

Price From : £60.00

This elaborate painting by Dinesh Charan Shrestha took more than a year to complete and is his most ambitious composition to date. It depicts the central image of Weapon-bearing Hevajra and his consort Nairatma, with the eight aspects of Bhairava (Skt. astabhairava) and the 'Eight Mother'...

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Artist : Raj Prakash Tuladhar

Price From : £34.00

Chandamaharoshana, meaning the "Extremely Violent and Wrathful One", is a ferocious aspect of blue Akshobhya Buddha, who is also known as Achala. The Chandamaharoshana Tantra is an Anuttarayoga or 'Supreme Yoga' practice of the 'father-tantra' class, which emphasizes the development of...

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Maitreya Buddha

Maitreya Buddha

Artist : Shuka Raj

Price From : £30.00

Maitreya, meaning the 'Loving One', is the bodhisattva who is destined to become the future Buddha of the next 'auspicious era' or bhadrakalpa. As a bodhisattva Maitreya presently abides in the celestial heaven or pure land of Tushita or Ganden (Tib. dGa'-ldan), meaning the 'Joyous',...

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Manjushri with Consorts and Deities

Manjushri with Consorts and Deities

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £34.00

Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom, is venerated in Nepal as the enlightened being who brought all knowledge, skill and learning to the Kathmandu Valley. Manjushri first came to Nepal from his 'five-peaked' mountain abode of Wutai Shan in China, bringing his two consorts and many of his disciples...

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B/W Manjushri, Lion of Speech

B/W Manjushri, Lion of Speech

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This lovely sepia miniature painting depicts the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Manjushri (Tib. Jam-pa), or Manjugosha (Tib. Jam-yang), meaning the 'Gentle Voiced', as the 'Lion of Speech or Debaters'. He sits on the back of a roaring white lion that crouches upon an ornate stone lion-throne....

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B/W Manjushri with Consorts

B/W Manjushri with Consorts

Artist : Shuka Raj

Price From : £30.00

Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom, is venerated in Nepal as the enlightened being who first brought all knowledge, skills and learning to the Kathmandu Valley. Manjushri first came to Nepal from his 'five-peaked' mountain abode of Wutai Shan in China, bringing his two consorts and many of...

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Artist : Hari Prasad Vaidya

Price From : £30.00

This small composition depicts the crowned sambhogakaya form of Amitabha Buddha in his long-life red aspect as Amitayus, the "Buddha of Infinite Life". Amitayus sits in vajra-posture upon his peacock throne, with his hands resting together upon his lap in the dhyana-mudra of...

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B/W Amitayus

B/W Amitayus

Artist : Devendra Man Sinkhwal

Price From : £30.00

This monochromatic sepia composition depicts Amitayus, the long-life sambhogakaya aspect of red Amitabha Buddha, the nirmanakaya-buddha of 'Boundless Light'. Amitayus, the buddha of 'Boundless Life' sits in vajra-posture upon a white moon disc, an open lotus, and an ornate...

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Ratnasambhava Buddha

Ratnasambhava Buddha

Artist : Hari Prasad Vaidya

Price From : £30.00

This painting of Ratnasambhava is a copy of a 13th century Pala or Newar thangka, which is now housed in the Los Angeles County Museum. Ratnasambhava (Tib. Rin-chen 'bYung-gnas), the 'Jewel-born', is one of the 'Five Buddhas', who presides as the 'Lord of the ratna or Jewel Family' that is...

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B/W Kubera (Dzambhala)

B/W Kubera (Dzambhala)

Artist : Amrit Dangol

Price From : £30.00

In Hindu mythology Kubera is a wealth-god and the king of the yaksha spirits, who originally ruled over the kingdom of Sri Lanka before his demonic stepbrother, Ravana, overthrew him. Kubera then took up residence in the northern city of Alakapuri, which is located in the Himalayas near...

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Samvara and Vajravarahi

Samvara and Vajravarahi

Artist : Samundra Man Singh Shrestha

Price From : £32.00

Text to follow...

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Life of Shakyamuni Buddha

Life of Shakyamuni Buddha

Artist : Ujay Bajracharya

Price From : £30.00

This small painting by Ujay Bajracharya depicts the three principal events in the life of Gautama Buddha or Shakyamuni - his birth, enlightenment, and his final passing into Parinirvana. These events are traditionally commemorated in the Buddhist festival known Wesak, Vesak, or Buddha Purnima,...

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Death of King Dharmaketu

Death of King Dharmaketu

Artist : Amrit Dangol

Price : £66.00

This sepia-toned narrative painting depicts the final moments in the life of the Buddhist King, Dharmaketu, who died at an early age, and was first illustrated by the artist Siddhimuni Shakya. ...

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