A note from the night security guard
Posted by Robert Beer on 7/29/2010 10:59:33 PM

The Weaver of Dreams (detail)
In August 1988 John submitted a few canvases for the Welsh National Eisteddfod Exhibition. As usual the paintings were rejected, but attached to the back of one of his returned canvases was a note from the night security guard:
Dear Sir,
I realise that this may appear strange, but I feel that I must write and say something about your paintings at the National Eisteddfod.
I have been on security duty for the last two weeks, ensuring that no one walks away with the paintings! So I doubt if anyone has looked at them more than myself.
Sir, nothing that I have ever seen submitted to the Eisteddfod in the last seven years has amazed me more. They are truly superb. Never have I seen so much care and detail in a painting. Of all the works, your paintings I know have been most noted.
Although I am no expert on art, thank you for making these lonely nights on security duty so worthwhile. Keep it up! I hope one day I will be the proud owner of a Miles painting, for I am certain you will be as famous one day as the greatest.
Yours sincerely and thankfully
J. Hughes.
Dear Sir,
I realise that this may appear strange, but I feel that I must write and say something about your paintings at the National Eisteddfod.
I have been on security duty for the last two weeks, ensuring that no one walks away with the paintings! So I doubt if anyone has looked at them more than myself.
Sir, nothing that I have ever seen submitted to the Eisteddfod in the last seven years has amazed me more. They are truly superb. Never have I seen so much care and detail in a painting. Of all the works, your paintings I know have been most noted.
Although I am no expert on art, thank you for making these lonely nights on security duty so worthwhile. Keep it up! I hope one day I will be the proud owner of a Miles painting, for I am certain you will be as famous one day as the greatest.
Yours sincerely and thankfully
J. Hughes.