This painting of the front room is the first 'figurative' painting for over ten years. I find this 'decade' fascinating. The work begins to glow and amorphous shapes pulsate. I feel that life is once again 'very real' for me. This painting is a direct translation into paint of the very image content which has manifested itself in a lengthy sequence of drawings made in various rooms.

The painting of the front room exists!
It is in the studio now.
It is alive!
Chris Dart nearly fainted when he saw it.
He kept saying, "Its magic. I can't believe it".

I am pleased that the intensity of it can penetrate an onlooker's sensibility.
I have one week to complete it. Then it must go into the Eisteddfod with some drawings.
It is the first figurative painting for ten years.
All this time it has been waiting, growing inside my mind.
Unseen for a decade yet growing like the unborn child.
I feel somehow that it began before I began, that it smiled at my childhood, that yet only now it has formed.
The devastating certainty that I have not created it, but that it has created me, is also dancing in the air.

The sun shines through the air. Trails of dust particles float in the galaxy within the room. Now the light is failing. It grows darker, colour drains away. The house opposite through the lace curtains looks silver white and very beautiful. Beyond it is the line of trees. This view is life itself, for the sun will rise and blaze through the gaps in the foliage. It is as if I see creation from here in my bed.
All of my paintings are a visual echo of the creation.
God's fingerprint is revealed at every turn.

I am quietly confident. Yet I feel desolate.
The two paintings - 'The Life Force' and 'The Seeds of Life' - were rejected from the Royal Academy. Friends have been very sympathetic and assured me that the Academy has boobed!!